Recently I was diagnosed with adrenal burnout. I had been suffering from chronic fatigue for months, was feeling very ill every time I worked out, and was getting nauseous every time I ate.zombie_burnout

Ironically, over the last few years, I have witnessed my girlfriends all suffering from adrenal fatigue and burnout that almost shut their businesses down and landed one in the hospital multiple times with heart attack -like symptoms. So I am very aware what pushing yourself too hard can do.

What I was NOT aware of, was where the line was for me. I kept telling myself “only a few more weeks of this” and “I just need to launch this next thing”. I even have “breathe” and “pray” and “meditate” and “lunch” scheduled into my calendar every day to help me take care of me.

Also, ironically, in the last year, I have slowed down my business–focusing only on the things that I love and that serve me–and I have been eating better and working out regularly.

So just when I started taking care of myself, it all came crashing down. How fair is that?

But you see, it wasn’t enough. I needed a reminder to eat because I wasn’t taking care of myself. Really, I wasn’t prioritizing myself.

As a business owner, YOU are the most important asset in your business.

In fact, I believe that you are the foundation. It doesn’t matter what you build, if the foundation is rock-solid, it won’t last very long. And as an entrepreneur, it will take you down with it.

I recognize that you may relate to much of what I have shared here. But if you’re like me, you are telling yourself “that’s because she has 4 kids…I don’t so that won’t happen to me” or “I get it and I will slow down before it gets the best of me”.

So here is my request to you:

Take 3 “simple pleasures” and do them every day. These can be a warm cup of tea with a friend, a bubble bath, lighting a special candle or taking yourself to the park to watch a ballgame by yourself. Whatever you love to do, big or small, and do them throughout the day. Three times a day, serve yourself.