This is the 5th post in a series of how to create a simple, strategic and successful plan. You can use this plan for launching a great 2013 (assuming the world doesn’t end in the next few weeks) or  you can implement these steps at any point to get on track with what you really want to create in your life and your business.

Creating a plan is often daunting, overwhelming and once you complete the plan, you never look at it again. It doesn’t have to be that way.

A good plan is one that is simple, to the point, and useful in your everyday tasks to build your business.

So let’s review the model that I use for myself and all of my clients, big and small, that creates simplicity and ease in our business-building strategies, our team development and even our partnership and promotional conversations.

And it includes only 5 things. Simple.

For a detailed of explanation of each, click on the title link.

A clear vision of what you will do.

What do we do, why do we do it, and who do we do it for.

Clarity about HOW you will do your work.

This is about your values and is the single thing that connects you to your clients and your team and your partners and everyone who thinks you are cool!

Your top 3 goals.

What are you working toward? And how will you know when you get there?

Your top 3 strategies.

How will you achieve those goals? And what is the magic net that brings the pieces together so you don’t spin out of control? It’s the strategy.

How will you celebrate your successes daily?

This last component of the plan was added recently for me as I need to remind myself regularly of my successes and celebrate them. If I don’t build these last pieces into my plan, then I don’t practice them….making me a dull, over-worked person.

Finally, I fit all of this information onto ONE PAGE. It is super important that all of these details can be written succinctly and to the point, with clarity and preciseness. This allows you to hang this document on the wall above your desk and reference it when you are developing your next product launch, having your next JV conversation, and even hiring your next team member.


1. Decide how you will celebrate daily, weekly, monthly, per project and for the year.

2. Build a document (I use Word and use text boxes for each section), and layout all of your details that you have written onto one page. It is important that this all fits onto one side of one page for easy reference.

3. Print your plan and hang it above your desk, share it with your team, and reference it during your next (and all) JV calls!