The last few months have been spent interviewing and mentoring hundreds of entrepreneurs world-wide (as part of my business and also for my upcoming book). At least 90% had some key recurring beliefs that were FALSE!

And that’s exactly why I’ve written this must-read post. I’ve been making waves in my industry debunking many of these myths – I’m about to address 3 of them right now in this article!

Are you a busy entrepreneur who thinks you don’t have time for a love life? How do you expect things to change if you never take action? Last time I checked, FedEx is not in the business of shipping dates to your doorstep. That would be lovely though, sigh…

Whether you want a travel partner, companionship, more dates, a long-term relationship or want to get married, here’s an easy way to start. The good news is that it only takes minutes!

No more excuses. Let’s dive in and debunk the myths that have making your love life fizzle!

Entrepreneur Dating Myth #1: Online Dating is Time-Consuming.

Entrepreneur Dating Fact:

Online Dating can be quick, simple and successful if you have a plan. Try the “30-Minute Email Plan”. Dedicate 15 minutes a day, twice a week, to answering email. For example, Sunday is a great day to answer e-mail if you’d like to have a date lined up for the next weekend. Wednesday is mid-week and by then you may have some offers for the weekend or the following week. Stick to this simple schedule and you won’t get worn out.

Quick Tip – Don’t worry about men who fret if you take 2 or 3 days to read and respond. They are NOT compatible with your lifestyle and they will auto-vet themselves in the process. This is not about playing games – you’re a busy entrepreneur! Patience and understanding are key characteristics your ideal guy must have.

Entrepreneur Dating Myth #2: Instant Messenger is a quick way to connect with a man to see if he’s your type.

Entrepreneur Dating Fact:

Avoid Instant Messenger at all costs because it typically attracts low quality men who waste your time, leaving you exhausted and fed up. There are plenty of lonely (and married) men who will IM chat you forever. Men should be qualified before you give them that amount of direct interaction. A man who is truly interested in you will ask to speak with you almost immediately – or in 2 or 3 emails.

Actually, a quick chat on the phone as soon as possible is the best way to see if there is a connection. Why? It would be a shame to spend weeks emailing back and forth only to find out there is no connection when you speak live.

Quick Tip – Have men phone you first but keep your number private.

During a session, a woman wanted to know how to let a man phone her first without giving out her number. This is a major concern for many women.

I suggest you get a local number from Skype or another service and route it to your cell phone. That way a man can call you first and you never have to give out your private number until you feel comfortable.

Entrepreneur Dating Myth #3: It is hard to meet men during the week.

Entrepreneur Dating Fact:

Take a more creative look at how to schedule your time. Who said you have to go out at night? You can meet during the day. This is a great solution most overlook. You have to eat or take a break during the day anyway, so why not meet for a quick lunch or coffee a 5-minute taxi ride away from your home or office?

It is less intimate, so there is no “date pressure” and you don’t have to “make time”. Plus, if you don’t click, no worries – you have to get back to work.

There you have it – 3 entrepreneur dating myths exposed and debunked. Listen to my complimentary audios to increase your magnetic attraction (in personal and business) download them now at:

silverspeaker1trimAbout Rhonda Cort:

With over 10 years experience living and working internationally with entrepreneurs, CEOs, diplomats and influential people on 6 continents, mentor, speaker and author Rhonda Cort unleashes your powerful presence to quickly, naturally and magnetically attract successful, top quality people to accelerate your business and personal life.

Make sure you download Rhonda’s complimentary audios “Magnetic Goddess Secrets” for powerful magnetism in your personal life and the “Mojo Acceleration” audio mini-course for entrepreneurs who want to create an almost instant know, like and trust connection. Download them now at: