This past summer, I got sick.

But I ignored it until November 1, when I couldn’t think anymore.

I spent the entire month recovering…actually, laying on the couch, only able to work about 2-3 hours/day (my norm used to be 7-10). In fact, the last week of November was absolutely miserable!

So what did I learn by my own sickness?

Systems are key. I learned that if I didn’t have systems in place, I would have lost everything. Using simple systems to continue to create content, manage the little bit of time I did have so it was productive, and communicate with my team, my clients and my peeps allowed me to continue moving forward in my life and my business.

My peeps are the best. I learned that the support from different people was mandatory. Between the business partners, team, friends and my networks, I was able to learn more about what was happening to me, support myself, and get motivated to get stuff done. ( A shout-out here to Debi Silber who wrote an amazing article about adrenal fatigue in Working Mother Magazine…and posted the link on my FB wall)

Self-care is not an option, it is required. I learned that taking care of myself was the most important thing in my business and my life. Without me, not only would my business crash, but it would affect my partners, my children, my clients and my friends.

What does the foundation of your business look like? Does it support you in all aspects of your life? And how are you taking care of yourself?