30 Days to more traffic, more friends, and more fun in your business!

Interested in joining me and Karen in our 30 day blogging challenge?

I was on a call with one of my dear clients, Karen Dennison, earlier this afternoon and we were discussing how to get more traffic to her web site. After talking about optimizing her Facebook and YouTube accounts, up-leveling her Twitter account and launching a product on her site, we started talking about the benefits of blogging to drive quality traffic to her site.

Blogging is a great way to drive traffic. But we both agreed, it takes determination and persistence. And neither one of us is in the habit of blogging.

They say (not sure who, but I’ve heard this my whole life) that it takes 21 days to create a habit. So I’m pretty sure that after 30 days of blogging, not only will we have created a great habit for sharing content, but we should also have a number of other great benefits as well.

I am committed to blogging everyday for the next 30. And some of my blog posts may be short. But I am committed.

Join me and Karen in our Blogging Bonanza and we can share this experience together!

Are you in?