Today is Day 1 of my commitment to blog….everyday.

And I would really enjoy having some friends join me on this journey to create a profitable habit for my business. Are you in?

Here’s 3 reasons why you should join me and 1 task to get you started.


1. IT’S FREE. It only costs your time. And really, that should only be a few minutes…maybe 10 each day. I bet you waste more than 10 minutes everyday. Find that 10 minutes and it won’t even cost you that! If you don’t have a blog yet, you can start one in about 10 minutes on or for nothing.

2. It gives people something to talk about…you! When you are sharing good information on your blog, and especially if that information is feeding into your social media, your friends and network WILL start talking about you.

3. It builds relationships. After you are done sharing your opinion, ask your readers to add THEIR opinions. Your readers will start to get to know you better, and you will have the opportunity to get to know them.

So “Where do I start” you ask.

Well start by clicking on the SUBSCRIBE button next to this post. That will allow you to keep up on these posts as I share resources and tips for keeping blogging simple and sweet. If you have Outlook 2007, there is a blog reader built in. If you use another email program, simply subscribe to this blog in the box where it says “Emailed to you” so that it lands in your email.

Next, if you don’t have a blog, start one (see tip1 above).

And here is your real STARTING POINT FOR BLOGGING:

Write two paragraphs about what you want to accomplish over the next 30 days of blogging. This is your purpose. And you need to know WHY you do everything in your business so that you can track it and know if it works or not.

And then share that in your first post!

And don’t forget to post a comment here on this blog along with your blog url so that we can follow you!

Happy blogging!