What do “values” have to do with JV’s, joint ventures or other business relationships?

Short answer: money, friends, programs and fun!

Long answer: When you connect with people for business and your values–those things that motivate you–are similar or complimentary, then you have a foundation for building opportunities that will support your relationship as you and your business grows!

What are your values?

Money is not USUALLY the value that motivates most people–although some are motivated by the KaChing! Most people–especially purpose-driven, conscious people–are mostivated by other things like family, faith, community, integrity, honesty and relationships.  Click this link for a more complete list of values.

Why are values important in business relationships?

Because these are the foundational pieces for long-term, repeat opportunities. We can all connect with someone for the money once. But after that, there must be a connection that is deeper. We really need to like the person in order to keep “subjecting” ourselves to interviews, programs and events with that same person.

And when we DO connect with someone multiple times for business programs, teleseminars and other list-building and/or money-making opportunities, our tribe comes with us. With each connection, it becomes easier to sell our services and we are all more profitable.

Make sense?

What to do next?

Click on the list of values to identify your top values. There are hundreds of values listed here, so just review the list and write down the top 10 that really resonate with you. Then circle the top 3-5 values that feel the most compelling to you. Just start there. You can update your list as often as you like. But now you have a starting point for connecting with some great people!