GUEST POST FROM JOAN STEWART (see credits at bottom of post)

I’m not mentioning any names.

But when I read the social networking profiles of some of my friends and business associates, I think to myself: “You’re really interesting. And you’re lots of fun. You even have unusual hobbies. So why are you making yourself sound so boring?”

Yes, that little snippet of information just below your photo on your Twitter or Facebook profiles can determine whether a visitor follows you, friends you, or decides that you have nothing to offer and leaves in search of somebody else who does.

On LinkedIn, that much longer profile will determine whether somebody wants to connect with you, or forget you.

I can’t begin to count the number of Twitter replies and direct messages from my followers who comment on my love for the Food Network and motorycles, which I’ve mentioned in my profile at

What does that have to do with publicity?

Absolutely nothing. But if a fellow Food Network junkie follows me, and then one day hopes to generate publicity, she might look to me for advice, my products, or my mentor program.

Consider adding these topics to your social networking profiles, depending on the type of people you’re hoping to attract:

–Your hobbies

–Your pets

–Your favorite TV shows

–Your favorite movies and music

–The most unusual thing you’ve ever done

–Your biggest business accomplishment

–Your most unusual personal accomplishment

–What makes you an expert


A word of caution: Don’t treat all your profiles the same.

Social networking expert Nancy Marmolejo will be my guest during a 70-minute teleseminar at 4 p.m. Eastern Time tomorrow. It’s called “Can Your Social Networking Profile Pass the 10-Second Test?” In addition to tips galore on how to write your profiles, you can listen as Nancy remakes the profile of one lucky participant. If the time is inconvenient for you, sign up anyway because I’ll send you the link for the MP3 recording and the link for a webinar Nancy hosted that goes into even greater detail.

Learn more about the topic at my blog and register at

Reprinted from “The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week,” an ezine featuring tips, tricks and tools for generating free publicity.
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