A coffee date for business can be exhausting and fruitless. You might find yourself asking:

How do I get these online relationships to stick?

Even better, how do I get a return on my investment of time, resources, energy and money?

Creating relationships is a time consuming process, it is important to make sure that the ones you create are worth it. After you have taken the step to creating an in-person meeting is crucial to prepare for the meeting by setting an intention and goal for yourself. Of course the long term goal is to get clients, but the short term goal is to build relationships. Keep that in mind when setting your intention.

Be clear about your purpose and make sure you are both on the same page. Some connections may not be a good fit, and that is okay!

This BusinessInsider.com article provides 8 tips for creating a successful coffee date. But let’s start simple with 3 questions.

Keeping these three things in mind when preparing for a lunch or coffee date. It will help guide you while discovering whether or not the relationship is worth continuing.

1. Is it a good fit?

Ask yourself, that question? Could this person be a potential client in the future or have valuable referrals? Ultimately, the goal is to gain clients. By establishing this relationship are you going to gain leads? If the answer is no, perhaps you should use your energy elsewhere.

2. What are your long term goals?

Focus the conversation on what you want to accomplish in the next year rather than how many clients you need right now. Talking about the future will make the conversation more comfortable and takes the pressure off the meeting.

3. Be sure to LISTEN!

What are the other person’s goals and intentions, and how can you help each other?

It is easy to get caught up in your own agenda, so slow down and start listening.

Creating relationships may involve more than one dates; one meeting may not be enough (think of a dating relationship). If you’ve established a worthwhile connection that could eventually lead to business, set the next date! Spend time in that relationship.  For more tips on networking online and offline, click here