Creating a plan is often daunting, overwhelming and once you complete the plan, you never look at it again. It doesn’t have to be that way.

A good plan is one that is simple, to the point, and useful in your everyday tasks to build your business.

In fact, I have a model that I use for myself and all of my clients, big and small, that creates simplicity and ease in our business-building strategies, our team development and even our partnership and promotional conversations.

And it includes only 5 things. Simple.

So let’s take the next two weeks to create our plan for 2013. Are you ready?

Step 1 – Have a clear vision of what you will do.

This is the mission and the message that you are going to impact your market with. And yes, you need to be clear about your market–who are they? What are their struggles? What is their motivation?

Once you are clear about your market and what they want, then you need to understand how YOU fit into their equation for success.

Be able to share what you do, who you do it for, and why this is important. This should all be concise. You should be able to share this in a 2-3 sentences.

Here is an example:

At Strategic Results Marketing, we provide business coaches and consultants with the tools and support they need to build a sustainable, leveraged business. We create systems and methods that are replicatable and support the goals of the business and the lifestyle of the business owner. We’re committed to being a catalyst for our clients to have a greater impact, be more purposeful and share a great message.


Write your VISION of what you do, who you do it for, and why this is important. Make sure you are considering your client’s wants and needs as this will help you position yourself in the market place, in your messaging, and in your marketing conversations. This will also allow your team to have a clear understanding of who they work with and why it is important, creating motivation and synergy.

And stay tuned for the next step, HOW you do what you do, everyday, and with everyone, when it’s right!