What can blogging everyday for 30 days get you?

  1. More online visibility. The more people who see your stuff, the more likely you will start to monetize things, right?
  2. Increased credibility. When you are sharing good advice regularly, you become the expert.
  3. More traffic to your website. The more often you post good information, the often people will come to your site to read it and the more often they will share it with others.
  4. More friends. When you are sharing yoru blog posts in your social media, more conversations will start and new relationships will begin.
  5. More money. If you are an online business, then you need visibility, credibility and traffic to make money. And they more friends you have, the easier this is. 🙂

Why are you going to blog everyday?

Please see items 1-5 above.

How are you going to blog?

  1. Start with subscribing to this blog.
  2. Publish a quick post that explains what you want to accomplish over the next 30 days. This is for goal setting and for tracking (and to share with your readers–who want to get to know you more).
  3. Make a list of 4 topics that are relevant to your business/industry/expertise.
  4. Take each topic and create 5 tips that support that topic.
  5. Lay out your 30 day blogging plan: post one overview of the topic followed by 5 tips about the topic. Then move to the next topic. Drop in a weekly podcast or video (either that YOU create or from YouTube) that supports your topic for the week. Along with the first blog post (the purpose) and your last blog post (your accomplishments for the month), you have 30 days.

Your 30 day blogging plan may look a bit different. I really would like you to share some other experts content at least once each week because this can help build great relationships AND share great content that you don’t have to create. Either way, create a plan.

Whatever you do, keep it simple and easy so it doesn’t get overwhelming. And then let us know how it’s going!

Happy Blogging!