This post is about what I learned in the last 16 months, and how I think you can avoid some major pitfalls that trapped me and my business.


You may have noticed that in June of last year, I stopped almost everything I was doing. Things were just not working well for me. I was exhausted. The things I used to do in my business that I loved were becoming cumbersome

and overwhelming.

So I changed up everything.

But that didn’t happen as smoothly as it might sound.

What really happened was a completely, unintentional overhaul. After working in my business for 12 years and working with business coaches and consultants for the last 7 years, I think I spent the last 4 years taking sideways

turns until the business that I had created and the life that I was living were no longer serving me at all.

I didn’t mean to stop doing everything that I loved and that made my business run. I didn’t mean to stop a program AFTER I had people enrolled because I just couldn’t face it. And I didn’t mean to take the month of

September 2011 completely off, doing no work…making no money.

But I did. And that’s what needed to happen because I was so entrenched in the minutia of running my business….and in the consuming overwhelm of my life in general, that I just couldn’t see the forest through the trees.

And that meant that I couldn’t see what was serving me and what was consuming me.

Can you relate to my story?


Hopefully, you haven’t had to take a month off to recover, get grounded, and wake up to the fact that your business took a side-ways turn….and took you along with it.

And hopefully, you are clear about having a business model that serves YOU and you have created that for yourself.

And hopefully, you know how to tell what is working in your business, what is not working in your business, and how to makes tweeks & changes so that you can quickly get back on course and not be derailed like I was.

But if you are noticing a similarity to yourself and my story, please let me help.


In the last year, not only did I get crystal clear about a business model and method that served me, but I wasn’t willing to settle for anything less.


Since last September 2011, I have built my business back up to a thriving model that supports my vision of ONLY doing business in collaboration with my clients and partners.

I only work with people who understand and respect me, my expertise and my values.

And I only participate in environments where I am surrounded by people who  expect the best in me and support me in being the best that I am (and not who they want me to be).

I have spent the last 13 months doing what I love and what I am brilliant at.

I am a catalyst for change-makers to have a greater impact with their missions and their messages.

I do this through collaborating with you about the strategy in your business, making sure all the pieces fit together effectively and profitably, creating a plan that builds on your expertise and your strengths and goals to create a more

leveraged business allowing you more profits and more life, and one of the greatest things I do is help you figure out what’s working, what’s not and how to make changes.

Yes, we will look at the numbers to see where you are at, where you came from, and assess meaning to these to help you get to where you want to go.

I want to help you in your business and your life, and avoid the pitfalls that I suffered through.

If you are interested in learning more, let’s chat! Here is a link to my calendar:

Either way, please know that I am committed to your success. Please share your own experience, if compelled, and what you KNOW you are here to do!