Are you ever caught by the catch phrases: Make more money! Have more Time! Have a better life!?? Well, let’s talk about the first one: MAKE MORE MONEY! While money doesn’t bring us happiness, it can sure put us in a better place to create opportunities that make us happy. So how can social networking help me make more money?

I have three simple answers to this question that you can start using now. First off, however, let’s be clear these are not the ONLY benefits of using social networking as a strategy for your marketing plan. But these three reasons will start making you money!

As you have heard me say before, social media is a virtual environment based on two premises: the premise that the internet offers information and that it is a place to connect and build relationships. Social networking is the activity of building relationships. And great relationships are often built upon the sharing of information and providing great advice.

Reason #1: Start creating great relationships. Start connecting with people who could potentially develop into joint venture partnerships, who provide great information that interests you, or who have a similar purpose or mission to your own.

These all provide great reasons for you to connect, and you must let your new connections know why you are connecting. However, do not tell them you want to create a joint venture in your first note. Wait until your relationship has developed before suggesting a working relationship.

Notice that I didn’t tell you to connect with your target market. If you are active in social networking the right way, your target market will seek you out and find you! The combination of these relationships and the information/resources that you share will create a group of raving fans who love you and your purpose and want to help you become more successful.

And isn’t it great when your “friends” do all the promoting for you so you don’t have to? Ka-ching! THAT’s a great feeling!

Reason #2: Increase your web site traffic. Traffic is the term used for the “visitors” to your web site. Traffic is WHO is going to your web site and checking you out. How much traffic do you currently have? Are those people signing up for your list? Purchasing your products? Sharing your information with other peeps?

Ideally, more people going to your web site will result in more people purchasing from you. This brings up two points: 1. You want/need MORE people going to your site, and 2. You want BETTER people going to your site—people who are your favorite targets in your market, and people who buy.

Your social networking activities, when done properly, will drive more traffic to your site. This is done when good relationships are created (People want to know more about you and find your website.), when regular activity in your social network increases your search engine rankings, and when your content-sharing activities include back-links to your site. Stay tuned for more information about how and why this strategy builds traffic.

Reason #3: Start making money now. Before you have your own list, and before you have your own products to sell, you can start funding your business now.

Once you have some quality relationships in your social networks (and it doesn’t take that many), start sharing resources/information. This information can come in the form of blog posts, events, and even products and services.

These resources should be relevant to your market and compliment your expertise. Remember that your friends and followers are depending on you to filter all of the information coming at them. That means that when something good comes along, you need to let them know it’s good.

You can make money sharing resources using the affiliate programs that internet marketing experts have in place. So when you are ready to share a resource, make sure to sign up as an affiliate, get your affiliate link, cloak your affiliate link using or, and then share your resource in your Facebook group, in your twitter updates or even your LinkedIn questions/answers.

So to recap, you don’t need to wait until you have a huge list or lots of products to start making money. Jump into social networking and start making money through successful joint ventures, driving quality traffic to your web site, and using your affiliate relationships to start making money now!